Challenge Posts

Keep it guys, after 7 days it get easier, and after 14 days it just a normal thing to do.. don't loose hope.. just stick to the process, and also be grateful to yourself for your progress 😊

#motivation #psychology #challenge


Well coming on day 8, I ran about 3.2 Km which makes total of 22.4 km. I wanted to run more but could not able to do.

#consistency #healh #challenge


Well coming on day 4, just ran about 2.4 Km. When I started I thought that today I will run more than 3.2 Km but I could not capitalize it. Now at the end of the fourth day my total running is 12 Km. Hopefully in the next two days I will run more and more because there is a weekend.

#sports #cricket #virat #100daychallenge #challenge


První týden jsem ok a nebažím


0 votes

Got the group together and finally got out hunting after awhile of not going 😁

#groupfun #wahineoutdoors #outdoors #hunting #challenge


Lake Mahinapua - Hokitika

#spring2summer #challenge #visitalake


went to bed at 11:30 p.m. fell asleep at 01:00. As in any challenge, there are no mistakes, of course I hoped that I would always go to bed on time, but it doesn't always turn out the way we plan:) So today there were 3 times when I didn't go to bed at 10:00 PM. That's why I set the limit now + 3 more times (total will be 6 times for this challenge) I may not go to bed on time, because situations are different. If I use this + 3 extra times and then lay down again 4 times too late, the challenge will be void.

#challenge #sleephabits #gotobedontime


I think you've all seen this movie;) That's the essence of the challenge if you're invited somewhere or offered something to say "YES". And here I will publish photos or stories of what I said "YES" to. "No" can be said 5 times. Well, let's start 😉😍 P.S. it will be a good way out of the comfort zone and new acquaintances and adventures😊



Already restarted my challenge for practicing/learning French because I missed two days in a row. Feeling a bit disappointed in myself but still trying to keep in mind that everything takes time, including establishing new habits.
Excited to start with a clean slate today. Let’s all make the most of today!! We will never be as young as we are right this moment!!

#restart #language #challenge #newhabits #startsmall


Actually trying to change myself by challenging

#challenge #challengeaccepted #21challenge #app #self


i'm so proud at the moment. 2 minute plank

#sport #plank #challenge #health #productive


First Day with the plank challenge. Did not expect myself to do this good 😌 kinda proud.

#sport #plank #challenge
