We fix a lot of short time and long time goals, and we know that we need motivation to accomplish it… But sometimes, specially in long time goals we start loosing the fuel .. So I hope you will find these tips helpful for longtime goal… Best of luck for your challenge…
Observe and find out your current situation… THEN IMPROVE IT …. It's your life, you have everything to make it an example, an inspiration, an support… Spend your every moment for achieving your dream , your goal. So that, when next generation will read your life, they will learn how to survive in the toughest situation in life… And how to make impossible, possible..
As you become more clear about who you really are,you'll better able to decide what is best for you." this very powerful!!!!
Get into minds of the greatest people in human history .The easiest way to get into minds of people, see how they think and what they believe is by reading their books.