Selflove Posts

2nd day morning meditation … Silencing the mind and allowing all to flow ❤

#meditate #selflove #iam


I tell myself everyday: You are amazing, you are beautiful, you are extraordinary, you are loved, you are guided, you are abundant, you are blessed, you are happiness ❤️
Tell that to yourself too, because the truth is you are so important and you need to take care of your Being 🌻

Love is a seed that grows when we started to take care of it 🌸

#selfesteem #confidence #selflove


Loving oneself is an art, darling!

#selflove #mental-health #confidence #commitment


Life is happening FOR you, not TO you. You are capable of achieving anything if you believe in yourself and remove all the self-imposed roadblocks like "I'm not smart enough, not pretty enough, not rich enough".

#self-acceptance #self-care #selflove


As you become more clear about who you really are,you'll better able to decide what is best for you." this very powerful!!!!

#oprahwinfrey #selflove #selfhelp