" كيف لنا أن نعلم سبيلاً للسعادة و الطمأنينة و نُصِر على أن نغفله ؟! "
Observe and find out your current situation… THEN IMPROVE IT …. It's your life, you have everything to make it an example, an inspiration, an support… Spend your every moment for achieving your dream , your goal. So that, when next generation will read your life, they will learn how to survive in the toughest situation in life… And how to make impossible, possible..
Are you willing to wake up your brain, step to the edge of your comfort zone, and courageously start creating the changes you want?
Do you know why most of the people are afraid to get out of their comfort zone? Because it is uncomfortable! The surprising truth about what motivates us, that people are looking for so-called productive discomfort. If you’re too comfortable, you’re not productive. And if you’re too uncomfortable, you’re not productive.
In my opinion, that is all about finding a so-called happy medium.
A comfort zone is a beautiful place…but nothing ever grows there.