
Checkout this video of footballers doing the 10-touch challenge(Stay home Challenge) with toilet paper while they are on quarantine. 🧻🤸‍♂️

#stayathome #trainathome #10touchchallenge


Corona virus suspended most of the human activities. Quarantine is the best way to stop the spreading of the virus. Footballers doing the 10-touch challenge(Stay home Challenge) with toilet paper while they are on quarantine.

#stayathome #trainathome #10touchchallenge


The only way to experience true wellbeing is to turn inward. This is what yoga means – not up, not out, but in. In is the only way out.

#yoga #body #mind #wellbeing


If There’s no challenge, just nursing-you will grow up very weak.

#reading #books #sadhguru #nurs #grow


The ego is only an illusion, but a very influential one. Letting the ego-illusion become your identity can prevent you from knowing your true self. Ego, the false idea of believing that you are what you have or what you do, is a backwards way of assessing and living life.

#improvement #ego #letgo #waynedyer


You can't always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.

#manifesting #destiny #waynedyer


Happiness is a warm puppy :D

#pets #lovedogs #dog #happiness


When I tell people that I'm learning how to skateboard, I usually receive a pitiful glance combined with a judgmentally toned “Why skateboarding?” To answer, I have one of two options: I can provide a polite answer along the line of "I wanted to try something new!” Or, I give them the answer they really want, that I'm losing my mind after breaking up with my boyfriend of six years, and learning to skateboard is a desperate attempt to find myself.

#skateboard #beginner #skateboarding