
Challenge Achieved

Self-Improvement Social Network
Return of GST revision classs
2 tasks 路 2 days
start on 5 May
Ftp questions
20 Quest 路 7 days
Charitable trust
6 tasks 路 2 days

Completed my first challenge using this app馃拑馃暫馃懐


What can we learn from the FBI about behavior design? Surprisingly, a lot.The FBI Hostage Negotiation Team developed a five step Behavior Change Stairway Model to assist in negotiation with sometimes violent felons. But these same techniques can be used in any number of more peaceful situations.Behavior Change Stairway Model is a five-step communication process that can improve and deepen interactions and communication.

#speakingandpresenting #sociology #behavioralscience

Trust questions
2 tasks 路 2 days
start on 4 May

good morning

is it okey to express myself on this platform where i don't know anyone?
i don't know i feel that i want to talk to strangers that i won鈥檛 ever meet
do you feel like that sometimes?
today i am feeling good but have very low energy that i don鈥檛 wanna do anything and that鈥檚 okey we won鈥檛 be motivated all the time every day
instead of fighting your feelings accept them, acknowledge them and then live with them like your surfing on a very big wave
you won鈥檛 drown you will be one with it until it disappears

i hope you have a good today :)))

express yourself
7 times a week 路 28 days
start on 4 May

Punctuation note: Someone once said, "Take hyphens seriously, and you will surely go mad.The problem with hyphens is that rules for them cannot be applied absolutely consistentently - you end up hyphenating everything including the kitchen sink.If you are in doubt whether to use a hyphen, don't use it. The best resource on hyphens is Garner's Modern American Usage, "Phrasal adjectives."

Source:Open Technical Communication by Tiffani Tijerina, Tamara Powell, Jonathan Arnett, Monique Logan, Cassandra Race

#education #punctuation #englishgrammar

Trust questions
24 Quest 路 5 days
start on 3 May
Charitable trust
6 tasks 路 2 days
start on 3 May
Morning routine 馃尀
6 tasks 路 30 days
start on 3 May
47 Quest 路 5 days
start on 3 May
make my personal routine 1
5 tasks 路 1 day
Finished 0%