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Eka Pada Rajakapotasana.
There are numerous advantages to practicing Pigeon Pose.
Physical benefits:

- Opens the hip joint

- Lengthens the hip flexor

- Stretches the thighs, gluteals and piriformis muscles

- Extends the groin and psoas

Collateral benefits:

- Helps with urinary disorder

- Stimulates the internal organs

- Increases hip flexibility

- Improves posture, alignment, and overall suppleness

- Lessens or alleviates sciatic pain

- Diminishes lower back pain and stiffness
Emotional benefits: It is a primal reaction to store stress, trauma, fear and anxiety in the hips. These bottled up feelings create tight hips.

- Pigeon Pose opens the hips and releases negative feelings and undesirable energy stored in your system.

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