Feature Posts

Merry Xmas, Challengers! As a small present we are happy to announce that we finally added 2nd most wanted feature to the app - Dark mode. Try it out and let us know which one do you like more: Light or Dark mode?


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🚀 Exciting announcement: introducing our new Marketplace feature! 🚀
We're thrilled to unveil our latest feature: the Marketplace! Dive into a world of inspiration, where you can trade different motivations. Moving forward we plan to include more asset types in the future. Join us in this journey of personal and professional growth. Explore, discover, and let the motivation flow!



We have added a couple updates for challenge bets. First, there is a filter now for bet status in challenge list. Second, some challenges are stuck with bets, so challenge owner will receive a notification to set challenge as failed or achieved at the challenge end date. If owner will not set the status within 7 days - challenge will be set as failed automatically.



New feature! You can now click on challenge percentages to switch to different details of the challenge in My Challenges list. It will show faster values that are most important to you. Switch between: Percents / Days left / Task details. Also, you can add Christmas, your birthday, or any other interesting date as a challenge and easily check how many days are left 😉



Challenge duplication feature was added. Now if you want to copy/duplicate your challenge you can find it under challenge options. You will no longer need to input same information manually. @Peje was rewarded 500 $MTC, thanks! 🤠



Now when you create a challenge using Form, challenge will be public by default. This was suggested by @Peje to see more public challenges. @Peje was rewarded 500 $MTC, thanks! 🤠



Feature update: Challenge Bet List. You can now find challenges with bets under Challenges->Bets. This way it will be easier to find and bet on challenges. Also juries can find there challenges to verify proofs and get rewards.



To add more weight to the challenge you can enable bets on your challenge and set Jury to Public. Three people having jury rights will approve or reject your challenge achievement proof. It's a great way to make yourself accountable. In case you do not provide a valid proof for the achievement you will lose your $MTC. Just don't forget to add a proof before achieving your challenge! 🤠



New feature: challenge bet juries. You can now become a jury who can verify whether or not a public challenge was achieved. Challenge needs to have public bets. To become a jury, you need to stake moticoins, and you will be able to verify bets up to the staked amount. Juries get $MTC rewards for their work. You can find jury settings under Menu->Profile->Jury.



New feature: moticoin transactions. You can view your collected or spent moticoins under your Account Settings -> Moticoins section -> Transactions View. Moticoins that will be used for challenge bets will appear in this list as well.



New feature: challenge bets! This is the first step for challenge betting. You can enable bet on your challenge and bet moticoins ($MTC). Currently only you can bet on your challenge and you are the jury. Next we will add ability for other people to bet on your challenge and introduce juries to validate proof for the bet.



Feature update: counter to daily challenge. You can see now on each daily challenge task how many times it was checked until the selected day. Stay strong! 💪



Greetings challengers! Now you can create a challenge with invite only, in case you want to manage who can join your challenge. Options are Everyone, Invite only, and Nobody.



Feature update: besides the area chart we just added a bar chart for the number challenge. We hope it will help you better visualize your progress!



Feature update: new motivation - LOVE. This is our 15th motivation you can choose in the platform. Choose from 12 motivations inside the challenge with in-progress status + 3 for achieved challenges. Spread the love ❤️

