30 day Self-Care challenge

Progress 60%
Tasks (18/30)
Organize your desk
Decluter and freshen up one room
Try something new!
Make and pack healthy lunch for the next day (something you never eat before)
Try new exercises
30 minute walk
Pamper yourself - maybe hot, long bath?
Relax, chill and Netflix - your favourite movie?
Time for 20 minutes of yoga
10 minute meditation
Cook yourself an amazing meal - try something new!
15 minute stretching routine
Try journaling
Make a new playlist on Spotify and share it
Write 5 things you love about yourself
Try wear something new and fun
Do a morning routine. Maybe wake up 1 hour before alarm?
Drink just water today
Read a book for 30 minutes
Make an amazing to do list - follow and cross an item off.
Make a vision board
Watch motivational Tedtalk share with us!
Listen to a podcast
Eat a salad or smoothie
Go out for coffe
Setup a mothly budget
What is your bad habit? Pick up one and try do ditch it!
Repurge your wardrobe
Evaluate your last 5 purchases
Treat yourself!!!
Apr 8 - May 7, 2020 β€’ 30 days

Do something for YOU πŸ₯°πŸ‘Œ