Journaling Posts

Share your inner thoughts through writing



Three Benefits of Journaling:
1. Strengthens your immune system and leads to better physical health.
2. Improves emotional intelligence (the ability to perceive and understand emotions).
3. Soothes anxiety and increases feelings of calmness.

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Primarily, journaling is about exploration: exploring who you are, what you think, how you feel, and the way in which you process life’s daily events. As a byproduct, more clarity and insight is gained about your mind and emotions, leading to heightened self-awareness. The more self-aware a person is, the more well-adjusted, grounded and balanced they will feel, despite what is going on around them. Therefore, journaling helps us to find inner stability and gives us the ability to untangle ourselves from self-destructive forms of behavior and negative thought patterns.

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What is Journaling?
Journaling is the practice of writing down your thoughts and feelings for the purposes of self-analysis, self-discovery, and self-reflection. As one of the oldest forms of self-help in the world, journaling is about exploring one’s own thoughts, feelings, impulses, memories, goals, and hidden desires through the written word. As such, journaling is often prescribed by therapists, counselors, and spiritual mentors as a powerful way of developing more self-understanding and compassion.

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You don’t have to be particularly good at writing to benefit from journaling. Not only that, but you don’t even have to worry about things like grammar or spelling – none of those fussy details matter at all.

What does matter is the attitude and intention you bring to journaling. Are you interested in growing and learning more about yourself? Great! The desire to learn is the entire point of journaling.

Therefore, as long as you’re sincere about discovering more about yourself, you’ve already succeeded!

When it comes to journaling, there’s nothing to master but your own ability to be self-aware.

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Going good with journaling. 😊

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