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>1y overdue
Apr 24 - May 24, 2021 • 31 days

Two years ago I sent handwritten letters to some friends for Christmas and I was amazed by the positive impact this simple action had on them and on me.

Handwritten letters are way more special than digital cards, messages via social media and can make someone else's day. So why not doing this for those who have impacted me somehow?

The idea is to write and send a thank-you letter to everyone who's touched my life somehow and helped me become who I am today.

All the authors who have taken the time to share their knowledge through awesome books which we can buy for just a few pounds or dollars and changed the direction of my life.

People who touched me through videos, podcasts, music, blogs, shows, conferences, webinars, guided meditation, in-person etc.

Somehow is to express gratitude to all who have impacted my life.

Join me in making someone's day!