Stop hitting the snooze button

0 / 28 days
Total progress 0%
0 / 7 days
Week progress 0%
Focus on my reason to wake up. "I will start living my life again and not let my narcolepsy control it."
Take my medicine.
Make coffee and take the time to enjoy it.
20 minutes of stretching.
Take a shower.
Get kids up for school.
Eat breakfat.
Walk my dog.
Pick up house.
Work on my to-do list.
in progress
>1y overdue
Oct 10 - Nov 6, 2021 • 28 days

Here is the science.
Most snooze buttons are set to last around 9 minutes. That amount of time isn’t enough for you to complete a full sleep cycle (75-90min), so your alarm ends up jolting you back to wakefulness while you’re still transitioning between sleep stages. Research shows that your memory, judgement, and reaction time are all affected, and it can take up to 4 hours to go away. (unless you take a cold shower!)
I admit it. I used to be a snooze button addict. 😩
Every morning my alarm clock would go off and I would hit that button at least 2-3 times. And I always feel worn out, still tired, confused and start worrying about bad night sleep. It feels like you have to rush through your morning in the search of those lost minutes the snooze button stole from you.


I get my nails done.


I have to clean the garage.


I will prove it by staying awake and accomplishing the tasks on my to-do list. Instead of allowing my narcolepsy to control me by continuing to sleep my life away.