Read 36 books on improving me

Progress 2%
Tasks (1/50)
Atomic Habits - James Clear
Making Habits, Breaking Habits - Jeremy Dean
Psycho-cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni
Man's Search for Meaning - Victor E. Frankl
The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth - Jonny Bowden
The Surrender Experiment - Michael Singer
Pursuing Consciousness - Peter Ralston
The Attention Revolution - Alan Wallace
Mindsight - Daniel J. Siegel
Exponential Organizations - Salim Ismail
The Whole-Brain Child - Daniel J. Siegel
Millionaire success habits
You Are the Placebo - Joe Dispenza
Mastery - Robert Greene
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
Start with Why - Simon Sinek
The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy
Lichpin - Seth Godin
Don't make me think - Steve Krug
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Robert Cialdini
Stumbling on Happiness - Dan Gilbert
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
Mindset - Carol Dweck
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
Enlightenment Now - Steven Pinker
Claim Your Power - Mastin Kipp
The Untethered Soul - Michael Singer
Business without bullsh*t - Geoffrey James
Make ideas happen
Bold - P. Diamandis and S. Kotler
The Brain That Changes Itself - Norman Doidge
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
Thing Explainer - Randall Munroe
Inner Engineering - Sadhguru
The Joy of Less - Francine Jay
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
The Game of Life - Florence Scovel Shinn
Small giants - Bo Burlingham
Relentless - Tim Grove
Leaders eat last - Simon Sinek
The moral animal - Robert Wright
Brainfluence by Dooley
Grit - Angela Duckworth
High performing habits by Burchard
Incognito - David Eagleman
Principles - Ray Dalio
The Obstacle Is the Way - Ryan Holiday
in progress
>1y overdue
12 Nov, 2019 - 10 Nov, 2020 • 365 days