Jay Shetty Spot Stop Swap Challenge

1 / 14 days
Total progress 2%
0 / 7 days
Week progress 0%
SPOT the thought
STOP that thought
SWAP for a better thought
in progress
>1y overdue
Sep 18 - Oct 1, 2020 • 14 days

Spot, stop and then swap negative thoughts. Whenever you have a negative thought during the work, with friends, family or whatever you do - start to spot those negative thoughts and see when they come up. The next thing you want to do is stop that thought. Stop going to those environments or places that give you that negative feeling. Then you want to swap - upgrade it to something higher.

1. SPOT. Let's say you are doing something that you do every day. And then you SPOT a negative thought - "I feel like I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I feel stuck".
2. STOP. When do you have this kind of thought? Think of the environment you are currently having this thought. Maybe you are browsing through social media and you are seeing all those perfect lives.
3. SWAP. Let's now limit the time for that environment. Use that time to do something productive - maybe I will pick some podcast, maybe I will take a book. I will use that time for something higher.
