I always liked this quote by Henry Ford: "whether you think you can or can't, you are right "
Stop playing victim , you are responsible for everything bad going on in your life, and you are capable of fixing it!
Not doing so well in this challenge. Will have to buckle down and find my motivation again. Since I got away from this challenge, my weight and blood sugars have increased. Since I broke my knee, friends have been staying with dad and I. John has taken over the kitchen and has become quite the dictator about our food and eating times. Can't wait till I am functional again to take back control. He has OCD big time and as much as I have told him, he still does things his way. He has even told me as long as he is here, he will do things his way. I can't wait till he goes home. Meanwhile, I'll just have to bide my time and do what I can.
Still working on the fasting 14 hrs a day. It's difficult when someone else is doing the majority of the cooking. I have wrestled with John over letting me make my own morning smoothies. But he has finally relented. Just because I am temporarily in a wheelchair, doesn't qualify me as incapable of doing things myself. Gives me a whole new perspective for the diamond disabled.
Well, my walk is on hold for 3 months. On the other ER hand, my 14 hr fasts are going great. Have lost 13 lbs since I broke my leg and it feels great. Sleeping better too. So will keep up with intermittent fasting and 8 hrs of sleep nightly.
I got off to a great start without any problems the first day. But in my challenges, I am virtually walking from Kettle Falls, WA to Boston, MA, made the mistake of stopping in Clayton for a Clayton Burger. Now I don't feel so good, too greasy I think, or maybe it was the large fries and giant milkshake. Can virtual food make you physically sick? Actually I think it was the ice cream after the salad I had for supper.
My best friend during intermittent fasting: water 💦💦.