Happiness and Positivity Month

0 days
Total progress 50%
0 / 7 days
Week progress 0%
Dream Diary/ Drink Water As soon as I wake up, jot down my dreams while drinking the water I put next to my bed the night before.
Every Morning before getting out of bed, do Melanie Beckler's 5min morning meditation!
After 5min meditation, 3 things I am grateful for, 3 things I love about myself. Review the day's agenda and state daily affirmations.
While focused, securely and confidently get ready in a timely manner.
Notice and focus on good things during the day
Smile sincerely whenever you remember why I started! (My babies, Myself, Vita!)
Think about what are you grateful before bed
Every night before bed, 3things during the day I was proud of and do Agenda! organize the following day! Pour fresh water and put it next to my bed.
in progress
>1y overdue
Ended on 4 Mar, 2020

Happiness comes from the inside and not from the external environment. Happiness could be acquired like a skill or habit. Try out this by doing each task everyday.