Become a (legit) freelancer

Progress 0%
Tasks (0/12)
Register as a DBA or LLC
Develope personal branding and use it across all platforms (web, social, printed materials, etc.)
Open a separate account to house all your side hustle money. Use this to account only for business transactions (in/out). When there is enough cash flow in the account, don't forget to pay yourself.
Figure out exactly what services you want to offer. Define what you CAN do and what you WANT to do and only offer the latter.
Update portfolio with fresh work that you want to continue doing
Start a passion project. Make it just for you, not for "likes" or the possiblity of going "viral".
Create some promotional matterial.
Tell friends and family that you are available for work. Off your services.
Complete a project that can generate some passive income.
Find a local group of people who are on the same path as you (tribe) and connect with them. Surround yourself with people that have similar goals and dreams.
Schedule a months worth of content for social to market yourself.
Offer to collaborate with other freelancers on or near your level of experience on a side project.
in progress

Just doing small side jobs for under the table pay isn't enough anymore. You need to legitimize your business, start offering your services, market yourself appropriately and get paid for your hard work.