A song you like with a color in the title
A sing with nice guitar playing
The weirdest song on your playlist
Something you listened to about 5 years ago
A song that makes you feel energized
A song to which you have bad memories
A favoirite song you discover from a TV show/movie
A song that makes you dance
A song that reminds you of summer
A song that someone showed you
A song in a language you don't speak
A song for/about road trips
That needs to be played loud
You want played at your wedding
The cartoon song you loved as a child
A song you want played at your funeral
A song that radicalized you
A song ro send to your therapist
A song you could write a thesis on
A song you wish you could play
Reminds you of a drunken night
Favorite son for power cleaning
A song you sing to in the shower
A theme song for your life
A song you discovered by shazaming