Read 24 books in a year

Progress 21%
Tasks (5/24)
Deep Awake - Tim Freke
View through The Medicine Wheel - Leo Rutherford
Journey of Souls - Michael Newton
Spirit Hacking - Shaman Durek
Wiccapedia - Shawn Robbins
Sacred Oils - Felicity Warner
Soul Plan - Blue Marsden
Principles of Shamanism - Leo Rutherford
Reiki for beginners
Kindling the Native Spirit - Denise Linn
Energy Strands - Denise Linn
The Mayan Ouroboros - Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Cosmic Serpent - DNA and the origins of knowledge Jeremy Narby
The wisdom of the Shaman
Pagan Paths - Pete Jennings
Women who run with the wolves - Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estés
A little bit of Palmistry- Cassandra Eason
A little bit of Auras - Cassandra Eason
Soul Story - Tim Freke
Auras - Understand and feel them - Marta Tuchowska
You are not your thoughts - Frances Trussell
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot - A.E. Waite
Insomnia - Stephen King
The Sidhe
in progress
>1y overdue
Jan 7 - Dec 30, 2020 • 359 days

Mainly spiritual/ritual books focusing on pagan paths and various spiritual methods