One of the most important benefits of eating slowly is that, it gives your body time to recognize that you’re full.
It takes about 20 minutes from the start of a meal for the brain to send out signals of satiety. Most people’s meals don’t even last that long!

#eatinghabits #food #focus


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Been this way till now..

I took a total break tomorrow after school .. I didn't study.. all exams and everything for the last one month was enough tiring..

I'll be doing (completing) the entire syllabus of BIOLOGY today.. let's see how much I go.. there're all total 14 chapters and around 300 pages.. and also notes of the chapters..

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Today's plans.. Posted late.. I'm done with the EMI lecture..

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My goal is to maintain a gluten and dairy free diet duringfour months in order to decrease health problems linked to intestinal inflammation, ovarian cysts, PMS and endometriosis. After three surgeries, and having seen several reports (you can see some on youtube and reddit, in Portuguese, and some in English as well), of people who managed to get rid of or considerably reduce inflammation and symptoms after months following a rigorously with zero gluten, milk, dairy, sugar and alcohol, I'm going to give it a serious try this time.
I've done other similar diets, but I've never tried to completely eliminate the consumption of foods with these components, and I haven't managed to stay on a diet of this type for so many months either. Considering what I went through with the surgeries, I think it's worth it.

#health #food #challenge


Invest your time and energy where it feels right for you. Choose to focus on experiences that are life sustaining, not life draining.

#focus #time


“If you want to make good use of your time, you’ve got to know what’s most important and then give it all you’ve got.” 🌸🌸

#focus #disconnect #timemanagement


It's only by saying "NO" that you can concentrate on things that are really important.

#focus #priorities #sayno


This post is for @NoG
So… I made a cake yesterday 🙈. Not healthy at all, I know. But, I think it's okay to eat homemade cake now and then, even if it's not the healthiest option. My "philosophy" : it's all about moderation, you just need to find your balance. ❤️
Enjoy your day, guys and have a great week ahead. 🍀

#health #food #enjoylife


And even today I did the Lia part 😂



We proceed … slowly but without stopping 👍🏻



I felt SO anxious today, and instead of procrastinating (as I would normally do) I tried to meditate to calm down my nervous system. After that I managed to study for almost 6 hours! I feel so proud of myself ❤️

#productivity #focus #perfectionism


I listened to an amazing episode of this podcast. I highly recommend this to everyone who's struggling with perfectionism

#productivity #focus #perfectionism